JSON By Chloe

JSON is the 'Javascript Object Notation'.
It allows us to structure and share data across the web, it can be read from an API and can be manipulated from any programming language.

The format of JSON is very similar to the JS object notation i.e. they open and close with curly brackets and have properties and values seperated with colons.
However, they differ from JS objects as they are ALWAYS in text format as that is the only data type that can be sent between browser and server. A typical syntax for JSON would be the folowing:
{"name" : "Chloe"}
As you can see they always have double quotations for the properties and values.

Once you have received the data from the API in JSON format you can convert it into a JS object using the JSON.parse(); method, it can then be manipulated further.

A common use of JSON is to exchange data to and from a server, to convert a JS object into JSON format use the JSON.stringify();. The data can send be sent to the server.